Pesach is the Yom Tov of Emuna. We spend the Seder night and the rest of Yom Tov as well contemplating the miracles that Hakadosh Baruch Hu did for our forefathers. We come to the realization that He created and owns the world, is all-capable and therefore, by definition, the only power, and that He knows what humans are doing and acts with them accordingly.
Sometimes though we are unsure how to apply our belief in Hashem to our everyday life. We don't know when we are supposed to be doing more and when we should put our trust in Him. In the clip below, from our recent event, a practical question was asked, "If someone is not making enough money to meet their needs, but could be if everything would be working out with their job, should they add more hours of work at the expense of their learning and/or family time or trust in Hashem that were they to be deserving of more money it would come during regular business hours?” Watch the video for the answer.