The former WWW.WORKPLACEHALACHA.COM has been moved to YUTorah, and can be found by clicking here - This site was set up for people working in the secular environment, or those preparing to so, in the hopes that learning about the challenges will facilitate success in staying Halachic in such an environment. Each of the topics on this site has one or more audios discussing the given topic in-depth, and many additionally have both English and Hebrew source materials.

Chukai Chaim Archives - Rabbi Chaim Bleier writes a weekly bulletin about different topics in Halacha. Many of them, including: 25, Laws of Yichud; 29, Halachos of Tzedaka; 41, Talmud Torah; 55, Ma’aser Money; 65, Minyan of Ten; 78, Who May receive Tzedaka; and 98, Non-Jew in a Yid’s Home are more relevant to those who have started working. For more information visit

WWW.MONEYHALACHA.COM - Join live classes from your mobile device or computer! Business Halacha class is live (via Zoom) weekdays, Mon-Thurs at 4:45pm until 5:00pm EST. You can also choose to receive daily shiurim by Whatsapp or email. The shiurim videos are archived on the website as well!