Thank you for a professional, fantastic job. This event was so badly needed by our community in Ramat Eshkol, and I couldn't have designed a better program if I tried. From the R' Lopiansky video, to the panel of Balebatim, to the Ribbis shiur, to R' Shmuel Baron - everything was amazing. Thank you for showing us that this transition can be done, and for taking action to bring us such a program and continue this conversation. The overall attitude was "We're in this together, let's have a discussion and figure this out." This type of event was unprecedented, but it demonstrated that there certainly is a need, and iy"H it will be the first of many. Thank you so much.
-AJ Esral
“I never even knew that some of these issues existed” - overheard from a Kollel participant
I just want to thank you for all the work you have done to make this Kollel happen and be great. It has tremendously enhanced my Friday mornings along with learning essential halochos. You have gone beyond the standard to make it a true success. Shame that it cannot continue for longer...May you continue to only arrange good things and be marbitz Torah. Good Shabbos
Eli Loebenstein