Learning Programs
All Torah - All Torah is a collection of free Torah apps and websites. Users enjoy world-class shiurim, content and resources in a curated, user-friendly platform. Download All Daf, All Parsha, All Mishnah, All Halachah today. Visit www.alltorah.org
Amud Yomi - Dirshu is pleased to present a unique learning and chazarah opportunity: the Amud HaYomi program. This historic initiative will enable deeper comprehension of the Daf, utilizing Dirshu’s proven retention and accountability methods through bechinos and stipends. With its focus on half a blatt per day, Amud HaYomi represents a new opportunity to methodically and comprehensively master Shas with bekius or light iyun, or to enrich the scope of one’s knowledge with slower-paced chazarah b’iyun. Visit www.amudhayomi.com
Daf Hashavua - Learn it, Review it, Own it. Join the over 5,000 people in 110 locations or create a new chabura. Visit www.dafaweek.org. Call 718-376-9663, or email info@dafaweek.org.
Dirshu Kinyan Halacha - Thousands of people worldwide have gained from the daily limud of Mishnah Berurah and Mussar from Sifrei Chofetz Chaim. The Daf HaYomi B’Halacha program’s learning methods have been encouraged by Torah leaders as a way to become proficient in Halacha. The program entails learning a daily page of Mishnah Berurah, a page of “Biurim Umusafim” as well as a segment of Mussar. The Dirshu organization awards stipends for those with outstanding grades on the Daf HaYomi B’Halacha tests that are given monthly, generally on a Sunday. The responsibility that comes with taking tests has a great influence on one’s Torah learning. Visit www.dafhalacha.com, call (732) 987- 3948 or the Dirshu automated hotline - (888) 5 -DIRSHU (34-7748)
Hachzek - Much like the Daf Hayomi, just over 100 years ago, was embraced by Klal Yisroel as an idea whose time has come, Hachzek aims to make a quick, 5-minute, daily Limud Hamussar into a practical and attainable reality for Torah Jews from all walks of life. Visit www.hachzek.com
Kinyan Hameschta - Kinyan Hamasechta is to Baalei Batim, what Vhaarev Na is to Bochurim. We are a global network of Chaburos tailored to the needs of Baalei Batim. Our program focuses on complete command of Gemara, through clear shiurim delivered by master Roshei Chabura, with an emphasis on chazara. In Kinyan Hamasechta, the goal is not to finish; the goal is to master. We believe that with mastery comes the true pleasure of Torah, as learning becomes an integral part of who our Bnei Chabura are. 42 Worldwide Chaburos, 400+ Committed Members, 10,000+ Dafim "Owned". Visit www.KinyanHamasechta.com to join.
Oraysa - This global initiative unites all of Klal Yisroel through a structured daily learning platform designed to learn, review and retain all of Shas. Oraysa provides all the necessary resources needed to keep pace with the program. Daily audio and video shiurim, including an iyun-shiur for every amud, are accessible via their website, as well as email podcasts or call-in hotline. Resources including the marei mekomos, review sheets, bechinos and more, are available via the website or can be sent to your email inbox each and every day. Phone: 914-867-2972 Email: info@oraysa.org Visit www.oraysa.org
Rooted In Yeshiva - This program has created a curriculum that covers the basics of the Halachos that anyone in the workforce needs to know. For the Mareh Mikomos archives visit www.rootedinyeshiva.com/mareh-mikomos-archives
Shas Chabura - Using this stimulating learning and chazorah program anyone can learn and retain Shas. Visit www.shaschabura.org
Shivti - The typical Shivti curriculum starts with in-depth Iyun and ends with Halacha L’maaseh’s practical applications, incorporating the quality and methodology that are the hallmarks of Beth Medrash Govoha. The weekly Shivti booklet features carefully curated content, clearly presenting exactly what the Sugya is, what will be learned, and which specific path is optimal to take through the Sugya. Shivti learning typically takes place within a chaburah setting, led by the local Rav, similar to the classic Yeshiva learning seder. The goal is to entirely engage the participants, so that they emerge each week with great clarity, both in the sometimes difficult lomdus and in the real world knowledge of Halacha and Minhag L’maaseh. Join an existing Chabura (70 locations in 36 cities) or start your own. Phone: 732-367-1060 ex. 4250 Email: shivti@bmg.edu Visit www.shivtiyk.com
Toraso B’Umnaso - Toraso B’Umnaso works with your company to match a Chavrusa with your office. The completely customizable, 20-minute learning sessions allow each employee to personally participate and benefit. Appreciative and uplifted employees enjoy an infusion of Torah inspiration in the middle of their workday. Companies experience a boost to the overall culture of the office, in addition to increased productivity and an uplifted environment. Phone: 732-333-1549 Email: info@torahb.com Visit www.torahb.com
Yorucha - The groundbreaking Yorucha project is designed to facilitate and provide a framework for frum businessmen to gain in-depth halachic knowledge they need for contemporary business dealings. With the collective expertise of Dayanim, Poskim, and Talmidei Chachamim collaborating with a talented group of editors and writers, they have created a syllabus and curriculum of study, with accompanying shiurim and personal guidance. Phone: 888.485.8223 Ext. 302 Email: yorucha@baishavaad.org https://baishavaad.org/yorucha/