
Ben Torah For Life – Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky - Those who devote their early adult years to full-time Torah learning know they are living in a different reality. Their world is pure and idealistic, and their goals are spiritual. Their success is measured in the thrill of a new insight and the glimpses of Hashem’s wisdom that only the Talmud can reveal. For some, the early years are only the beginning of a life-long ascent in the world of Torah. For most, however, a return trip to the material world is inevitable. This is one of the most difficult transitions a Ben Torah ever will make. It calls his entire identity and purpose into question. And yet little time is devoted to preparing for this transition in the years during which all energy is focused on Torah learning. Some get lost, and some feel misled; most are confused about how to proceed with their self-esteem and values intact. Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky has written a book that will serve as a guiding light to the many young men who are making this transition. He puts the Jew’s ever-evolving life mission into clear perspective, helping readers plot a path of growth and elevation that will sustain them for the decades to come. He helps them cull the everlasting lessons they will take with them from their yeshiva years and ensure that these lessons translate cogently into their lives in business or a profession. This book is a groundbreaking addition to any Torah library and a lifeline for any young man taking his first tenuous steps outside the protective walls of yeshiva.

Building for Eternity, R' Moshe Reichmann Biography - Yisroel Besser - Rabbi Yisroel Besser brings us a story that will leave us enthralled by its unexpected twists and turns. More: it will make us newly sensitive to the potential to give that lies within each one of us, how one mans dignity and nobility allowed others to feel taller. It shows how a person, regardless of where their personal journey leads, can soar so high.


Commerce and Issurei Hana'ah - Rabbi Yosef Y. Kushner - In the span of just a few years, the rapid advance of modern technology has changed the face of trade and commerce. Together with other changes in business, this has given rise to a host of issurei hana'ah related halachic questions not clearly addressed by previous poskim. Included in this work are many original p'sakim from the venerable rosh Kollel of Kollel Avreichim Institute for Advanced Judaic studies in Toronto and Av Beis Din of Bais Hora'ah of Lakewood, Hagaon Harav Shlomo Miller shlita. This book, with its clear, down-to-earth style and comprehensive footnotes, provides informative answers for both the inquiring businessman as well as the accomplished scholar.

Commerce and Shabbos - Rabbi Yosef Y. Kushner - The Laws of Shabbos as They Apply to Today’s Hi-tech Business World

Healthcare Facilities in Halachah - A Project of Bais Din Maysharim Reviewed by: Rav Yaakov E. Forchheimer and Rav Doniel Neustadt - Operating a modern-day Healthcare Facility properly presents an unparalleled array of challenges and entails clarifying a broad range of diverse halachos spanning all four sections of the Shulchan Aruch. Some of the questions addressed include: How may one operate a Facility on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Does serving non-kosher food to Jewish patients violate lifnei iveir? Does serving it to non-Jewish patients violate the prohibition of "commerce with prohibited foods"? Do patient’s rooms require mezuzahs? Do the Facility’s food utensils require tevilah? Healthcare Facilities in Halachah provides Facility owners and administrators with a comprehensive understanding of the halachic issues relevant to their business. Additionally, it provides rabbanim with the background information they need to properly address the questions presented to them.

Making It Work – Ari Wasserman - The modern day workplace presents Jewish men and women with a constant array of obvious as well as subtle challenges, and now there is this go-to-guide for practical halachic solutions! From business meetings in non-kosher restaurants, shaking hands with the opposite gender, wearing a kippah, social gatherings and holiday yichud, personal use of office supplies, finding time to learn, daven minchah, and so much more this comprehensive title covers it all.

The Halachos of Yichud - Rabbi Dovid Ribiat - An elucidation of the laws of Yichud from concept to practical application

The Laws of Ribbis - Rabbi Yisroel Reisman - Ribbis can mean many things, and its law can affect everyone from students to homemakers, including many practices that people have been taking for granted all their lives. Not that everything is forbidden; very often there are right ways and wrong ways to do them. In this pathfinding book, one of our generation's most distinguished teachers presents the laws and shows how they relate to everyday situations. Gifts? Heter Iska? Borrowing sugar or eggs? Pre-payment discounts? They are all here, in this major, enlightening, profusely footnoted masterpiece. Foreword by Rabbi Avrohom Pam. Includes Heter Iska Forms.

The Laws of Yichud - Rabbi Shraga Kallus - Rabbi Avraham Chaim Slansky - Interactions between men and women occur in many different areas of life, and inevitably a myriad of questions arise, such as: Between which people is yichud forbidden? My spouse is in town, so is there any concern? What must I be aware of in order to avoid a yichud situation at the doctors office? Must a door always be left open? In this book, the complicated and intricate laws of yichud are explained based on the original sources and the practical rulings of modern-day poskim. Included are full-text citations of hundreds of sources and a wide range of practical examples, making it an excellent source for both reference and in-depth study.