About Us
On Sunday March 24, 2019, the 17th of Adar II 5779, we hosted an event to help B’nei Torah establish a strong framework for themselves as they go out to work. The event was created under the guidance of Rabbi Shmuel Weiner and Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter and with the bracha of Harav David Feinstein זצוק”ל. Close to seventy five current and former Kollel Avreichim attended and heard a host of Rabbanim and Balabatim discuss ideas, Halachos, and Hashkafos to help them succeed. Our goal is to B’ezras Hashem create more events and programs to help B’nei Torah stay connected to Hashem as they enter a new stage of their lives. We created this website as a central hub for all of the resources available to help those who want to maintain their standards in Avodas Hashem. We opened a Friday Morning Kollel in Ramat Eshkol that focuses on topics relevant to those in the workforce. We had over thirty participants, who are either working already or leaving Kollel to go out to work in the near future, joining us each week during the Summer Z’man 5779. We opened a new cycle of the Kollel for Winter Z’man 5780; both in our Ramat Eshkol location and in Monsey, NY as well. Between the two locations we had over fifty participants. We started a Sunday morning Halacha Chabura in Monsey; geared to the working Ben Torah who wants to maximize his day off. We hope to have new cycles of our Kollel in our current locations, and to add new locations as well; to help as many as possible keep their Torah values while in the working world.
משל למה הדבר דומה
Leaving Kollel and going to work can be compared to a professional athlete who decides to switch from playing one sport to another. Although he may already be strong, quick, and agile he must still learn the ins and outs of the new sport; and how to use his physical capabilities to achieve them. After many years in Yeshiva and Kollel we have a strong kesher to H”KBH and His Torah and mitzvos; we just need to learn how to acclimate our current selves to accomplish in a different atmosphere.